Cochin Urology

January 24, 2023

Rezum Water Therapy Treatment for Prostate Inflammation

Rezum Water Therapy is a treatment for prostate inflammation known for its quick procedure, cost-effectiveness, and minimal disruption in daily life compared to other non-surgical methods. Rezum Water Therapy uses water vapour’s natural heat to remove excess cells from the bladder, offering relief from pain and urinary obstruction without impacting sexual performance. Notably, Rezum Water Therapy provides results comparable to other non-surgical methods like Urolift but at a more affordable cost.

In contrast to commonly used treatments such as laser procedures or Holmium Laser Enucleation of the Prostate (HoLEP). Moreover, this innovative treatment is deemed safe for patients with other health conditions, including those on blood thinners.

Aster Medcity has achieved a milestone by successfully conducting Rezum Water Therapy, a novel treatment method, for the first time in South India. This revolutionary treatment method has already showcased its effectiveness in a 55-year-old resident of Ernakulam who, after enduring excruciating pain while urinating for five years, experienced rapid relief with Rezum Water Therapy.

The successful application of Rezum Water Therapy at Aster Medcity opens new avenues for non-surgical, cost-effective treatments, providing hope for individuals seeking alternatives to traditional procedures for prostate inflammation. As the medical community continues to explore innovative solutions, Rezum Water Therapy emerges as a promising breakthrough, emphasizing patient-centric care and improved quality of life.


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